
CHICKEN LAB: The Newest Korean Restaurant to Go For!

Hey guys! Sorry for the longest hiatus ever and now I am back for real! Gotten back my momentum to start blogging and I am so grateful to get invited by Chicken Lab Malaysia for the soft launching party on the 4th October 2018! Thank you Carinn for the recommendation and it was a blast! Let's cut the story short, what's in Chicken Lab Malaysia? We all know that there are a whole list of Korean Restaurants popping up in JB, especially those selling famous Korean Fried Chicken. And over here, one more new restaurant added into the list, that is CHICKEN LAB MALAYSIA located in Austin Heights. To be precise, Chicken Lab Malaysia took over the previous Chicken Up Austin Heights and now a brand new management, brand new look too! How can you not order their famous fried chicken when you come to Chicken Lab? From sweet, crispy, savory to spicy, Chicken Lab has everything for you! Being too afraid to try out overly spicy food, I would prefer a normal flavor that nigh...

人生就像过山车 (一·):The Roller Coaster Life of Mine #1

很多人总在我背后问: “Jasmine 怎么那么安静不爱说话?”  “怎么那么高傲冷酷?”  “她读名校可是成绩都读不上理科班,不可能成功的啦!” “骗人的吧,刚毕业哪里可能这么快买辆车?”  “听说她很独立能干又变漂亮了,和以前认识的她很不同!”  “很多人说她善良可是总被欺负!”   。。。 还有好多好多的 听说/听讲 也还有好多的 为什么/怎么 ~ 种种的猜疑、两极端的评论、批评、否定,也有少数的赞美,我相信每个人都曾经面对过这些在背后说三道四的人却觉得自己没有必要向任何人做出解释;因为懂你的人自然不需要你的解释~ 同样的我不需要向任何人解释,我只想透过写文章来记录自己的人生点滴也希望能通过这个平台与大家分享我 25 年的过山车人生!我的人生不至于能做出任何大激励,所以我不望同情,只望同志~ 想利用自己小小的经历来鼓励或许正想要放弃或是觉得没人与他们同在的朋友们,也同时想找找志同道合的朋友一起为未来打拼成长! (一)小时候的我 "amoi mari sini" 以前去到哪里很多人都会直接用马来语和我对话,因为我真的真的长得不像华人~ 这样尴尬的日子是一直到 22 岁才慢慢减少的;主要原因是我比较会打扮,然后皮肤也比较白了~ 其实大家会这样误会也没错,我本来就不是正宗的华人,不过我也不是马来人啦!事实是,我的亲生父母是泰国华侨,我一出生就因为八字相克的原因被卖掉的,所以肤色自然比较黑啊!听起来好像是连续剧的剧情吧?不过这就是我从小到现在都无法避免面对的~ 有时在外,外人都会已异样的眼光看着我和我父母,因为我们长的不像。有时,与朋友和他们的朋友出去时,他们都会悄悄的问,欸他能吃猪肉咩?从小到大,我都会因此而感到自卑,偶尔还会埋怨为什么我和别的华人孩子不一样?为什么大家都不能把我当华人来看?记得小时候遇到这样的事情时,我会笑笑地看着对方说:我会说华语啊 我真的是华人只是被晒黑了!不过回到家里,我依然会躲进棉被哭到睡着。到了中学,当我遇到这样的情况时我鼓起了勇气说出自己的生世,不过却被同学说我在编故事。往往你我都会遇见类似这样的情景,被同学嘲笑,被外界的异样看自己,是否这样就让你失去了自信心? (待续)

Traveloka Getaway Guide: Cititel Penang Hotel - Your Choice When It Comes to Travelling in Penang!

We all know that, hotel is one of the factor to make traveling an awesome experience. However, choosing the right hotel can be a hassle for many travelers like you and I when it can be downright overwhelming with number of promotions, deals and choices all around! It gets even more confusing when you chanced upon tantalizing photos and slick promotional brochures from time to time where you can't wait to immerse into the luxury of comfort. But, the most difficult decision to make will always be - which hotel should I choose? Worry not because this time round, Traveloka is introducing you with one of the Hype Hotel in Penang, namely Cititel Penang ! We are sure that everyone has different criteria when picking the best hotel for themselves, however, location is always one of the priority for many! With main attractions, delicious delicacies and snacks, shopping heaven surrounding you could be the most convenient factor of all. Hence, this is why Cititel Penang would defi...

Starting Over Without Judgement · There's a New Chance to Build What I Want

Someone told me recently, "Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again; It is never too late for anything. Perhaps, it is a brand new opportunity to rebuild what you truly want. Remember, never compromise your own happiness for the sake of others'. " Like a lightning struck directly down my spine, it left me ponder in silent for awhile.  When was the last time I smile contentedly? What have I done in 2017? Does the thing I do makes me happy? Or did I actually neglected myself? Probably a YES and a NO. Many things happened unexpectedly last year and I was totally petrified. Life gave me no chance to think for a second and it just throws me with instant life test & obstacles one after another with no breaks in between. I pulled it through somehow. 2017 was a year with half the joy and half the sorrow. I graduated, I got a job, I got a car but I have lost someone that I holds dearly, I have lost freedom and I have got badly...