Starting Over Without Judgement · There's a New Chance to Build What I Want

Someone told me recently, "Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again; It is never too late for anything. Perhaps, it is a brand new opportunity to rebuild what you truly want. Remember, never compromise your own happiness for the sake of others'. " Like a lightning struck directly down my spine, it left me ponder in silent for awhile. 

When was the last time I smile contentedly? What have I done in 2017? Does the thing I do makes me happy? Or did I actually neglected myself? Probably a YES and a NO. Many things happened unexpectedly last year and I was totally petrified. Life gave me no chance to think for a second and it just throws me with instant life test & obstacles one after another with no breaks in between. I pulled it through somehow. 2017 was a year with half the joy and half the sorrow. I graduated, I got a job, I got a car but I have lost someone that I holds dearly, I have lost freedom and I have got badly misunderstood too. All I would say is, the first half of 2017 was awesome but I didn't manage to live for myself in 2nd half of 2017, I was tired and exhausted both physically and mentally. Words won't be able to describe the feeling of giving up, my smile and independence hid all the sorrow within me; people around me thought I was okay, they tend to push blames to me when things didn't go right, and I experienced the worst conflicts & seen the ugly sides of people that I thought they worth my effort for. 

 I had no complains for being lifeless in 2017 because all I did was I live unconditionally for my loved ones - my parent, partner and best friends. Probably not many people could understand the meaning of unconditional love, but think about your parent, they are exactly loving you unconditionally. 2017, considered a year with partial regrets. And now in 2018, I am slowly having more time on my own and I finally had the chance to rebuild what I truly want - to be happy / to continue to love unconditionally / to start anew without caring of judgement / to keep great people around me who had given me a helping hand in times of need

Most importantly, to rebuild JASMYNE GOH as my own brand. A brand that speaks up on its own, a brand that touches the like-minded and a confident brand that represents my own self.

Last but not least, to all my closest blog supporters, thank you for motivating me to start my blog over even though I have given the longest hiatus. Thank you for being the pillar to my passion. I promise this time, you will see a very different me, a very different blog from time to time.

With love,
Jasmyne Goh


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